VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Donation from fellow makerspace this Sunday 12/15.

Posted on by Bill

Moving (B&W)

Contact Treasurer Jason Wells at: cthackerspace.treasurer@gmail.com if you can help! He is coordinating the volunteer team with Art Gagnon.

It is with a heavy hart that we report the sad news regarding the closing down of the Make:Hartford makerspace. For the past six years Steve Yanicke and his team who spent of blood, sweat, and tears and had created a great community with an amazing positive, inviting culture.

CT Hackerspace wishes the Make: Hartford team the best of luck and always welcome our space to them. After a recent meeting, CT Hackerspace will be acquiring some of the assets to upgrade / add to CTH.

To keep communication easy, Jason will be the point person to help coordinate. contact him at the email above (or Facebook if you prefer.) Thanks in advance for your help - Many hands make light work.