Rules and Liability Waiver
This is taken from our Information and Liability Waiver
The Golden Rule: Be excellent to each other, the space, and the tools and supplies within the space.
- When entering the CT Hackerspace, Inc. premises (hereafter referred to as “The Hackerspace”), you enter at your own risk.
- The Hackerspace is under 24/7 video surveillance.
- Treat other members and visitors the way you wish to be treated.
- Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.
- CT Hackerspace, Inc. is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage to personal property left at the Hackerspace.
- All visitors and guests are required to sign a liability and waiver form.
- Members and visitors under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or a specified responsible adult (hereafter referred to as “their guardian”).
- Minors must be in sight and under the control of their guardian at all times.
- No minors are allowed to touch power tools without direct adult supervision.
- Members and visitors are financially responsible for any damage done to the equipment, facility, tools or the premises that occurs due to their actions.
- Any damage done by a minor is the financial responsibility of their guardian.
- Before the use or operation of any tools or equipment in the Hackerspace, members and visitors are required to educate themselves with, or to seek appropriate assistance in, their safe and proper use.
- Members and visitors assume all risk of loss, damage, personal injury (including death), or other unforeseen circumstances that they may sustain as a result of using the equipment in the Hackerspace, other peoples’ use of equipment, or participating in CT Hackerspace, Inc. activities.
- It is recommended that members and visitors have another person present if they will be operating potentially dangerous equipment in the Hackerspace.
- Members and visitors are required to ensure that the area and equipment is properly cleaned and ready for future use.
- Members and visitors are responsible for the safe handling and disposal of any hazardous materials or chemicals that are related to their projects.
- Chemicals brought into the Hackerspace must be appropriately labeled and kept in a secured location.
- Do not remove any community items from the Hackerspace without explicit permission from a board member.
- Members and visitors are not allowed to alter or repair any infrastructure (including but not limited to: electrical, plumbing, structural elements of the space, the doors or their locking mechanisms, etc.) without the permission of the CT Hackerspace, Inc. board.
- Members and visitors are not allowed to use the Hackerspace hardware for cryptocurrency purposes without the permission of the CT Hackerspace Inc. board.
- No consumption of alcoholic beverages for any members or visitors under the legal Connecticut drinking age of 21, or any person operating machinery of any kind.
- Any tools may not be used after consuming any amount of alcohol.
- Intoxicated or otherwise impaired members or visitors are not allowed in the Hackerspace.
- Illegal drugs are not permitted in the Hackerspace.
- Sleeping is not permitted in the Hackerspace.
- Proper attire must be worn at all times in the Hackerspace.
- Protective eyewear is required at all times in the wood-shop and metal-shop.
- Closed toe shoes are required in the shop areas.
- Long hair (facial or head) must be tied back and out of the way while operating machinery.
- Loose clothing and items should be secured and out of the way while operating machinery.
- Sexual relations or actions of any kind are prohibited inside of the Hackerspace.
- The Hackerspace is not responsible for any pregnancy/STDs that may occur as a result of actions inside the space.
- If a piece of media is not appropriate for a family setting, it should not be viewed on Hackerspace property.
- Members and visitors will not use the workshop space or resources of the Hackerspace to assist and/or work toward the creation, modification, or manufacture of: any registered, unregistered, or “ghost gun” firearm, it’s components, modifications, or related incendiary items.
- Members and visitors are not allowed to sell food or beverages made in the Hackerspace.
- Food made in the Hackerspace will be consumed at the risk of the individual.
- Food made available to the community must be paid for at or before the time of consumption.
- Members and visitors are responsible for cleaning any cookware, dishes, and/or silverware they use at the Hackerspace.
- Members and visitors are responsible for removing any food, food-related waste, leftovers, disposable silverware, cans, bottles and/or garbage they may produce during their time at the Hackerspace.
- Food waste must not be disposed of in the Hackerspace trash cans.
- Members are responsible for the payment of their membership dues and class fees on or before the date they are due.
- Membership may be suspended or revoked by a vote from the board, for egregious or continued violations of these rules, or for any reason deemed materially and seriously prejudicial against the Hackerspace’s purposes, members, property, and interest.
- If a member’s dues are overdue, the treasurer, or another member of the board, will contact the member within 30 days of non-payment, either in-person, or through the phone number and/or address the board has on file, to resolve any outstanding balance.
- In-Progress projects must be labeled with a “CTH Equipment tag”.
- Both Projects and Equipment left at the space by members can be identified as “Not Active” by the board, or can be brought to the attention of the CT Hackerspace, Inc. board by any member in good standing.
- Projects — The member with a personal project will be asked to supply a completion date to the board. It will be recorded. If a project is not completed by the date given, a request and explanation for a renewal must be provided to the board. If accepted by vote of the board, a project can be renewed, along with the new completion date to be negotiated between the member and the board, at that month’s board meeting. If the member cannot commit to a completion date, then it can be assumed that its presence is only storage and is not a correct use of the facilities. In this case, a storage fee can be negotiated with the board, if applicable; otherwise, the project must be removed from the Hackerspace. If it is not removed within 30 days after being told it must be removed, it will be considered Abandoned. See below.
- Tools and Equipment — Upon the decision of the board, a non functioning piece of equipment may be put under the same scrutiny. If called into question, a communication will go out to the entire community and, if applicable, owner (via in person, email, website, social media, etc.) for notice. It will be the responsibility of said community to put together a date and plan for the equipment’s return to operational state. If no commitment to an accountable plan is given to the board within 30 days, it will be considered Abandoned. See below.
- Projects and equipment that are left at the Hackerspace for more than 6 months, without any established contact with the owner or their representatives, or some kind of other prearranged agreement, will be considered Abandoned. Abandoned items will be dealt with at the discretion of the board.
- Local, State, and Federal laws all apply in the Hackerspace.
- These rules apply if you are acting on behalf of, or as a representative of, CT Hackerspace, Inc.
- By signing and agreeing to the waiver form, you agree to abide by all of the above rules and notices.