The CT Hackerspace 50 Parts/50 Bucks Challenge - A Fundraiser 3D Printing Job Gig

Posted on by Bill

3D Printing Job / Gig

50 Parts - 50 Bucks Challenge

Our member Dmitriy has an option to print a total 3D printed parts for his company. In return, this could be a great opportunity as a fundraiser to help our space. Although it should be enough to host this fundraiser alone, we are adding an incentive to help it’s progress.  For every (Dmitriy inspected and approved) part printed, the person printing the part will get one ticket in a raffle for $50 cash.

To enter:

  • Upon your visit (and the 3D printer is not in use) load up Dmitriy’s filament, load the .stl file, and print the part.
  • Upon finish, remove the part from the printer and add to an empty ziplock bag
  • Add your name to the bag so we know who printed the piece and add bag to completion box
  • Upon final inspection and as an acceptable print for the job gig, your name goes to the completion board
  • Once the printing run of 50 parts is completed, a raffle among those listed on the completion board will be done for the prize, one ticket for every approved print. (For example Print 11 pieces, receive 11 chances.)

See Dmitriy to answer any questions.

Good luck to all!