Wednesday Night Spotlight 10/3 - Maslow Open Source CNC Unboxing
During October 3rd’s Open Space, Join us as we will celebrate the start of CT Hackerspace’s next Group Project, the Maslow CNC. Maslow is a community driven open source project with the goal of making large format CNC technology available to everyone. We believe in a world where people everywhere can collaborate, share, and build amazing things together. We will Open up our starter package, and make plans to start this new tool build.
Maslow is a large (4’x8’) CNC cutting machine designed to let you cut big, useful things out of wood and other flat materials. Cut out a tiny house, a kayak, a tree house, some furniture, or anything else you can imagine. Maslow is designed to be affordable to buy, cheap to ship, easy to use, and powerful. Because designs can be shared digitally, you can build on the work of others or create your own from scratch.