New Monthly Discussion Group - Digital Self Reliance
Digital Self Reliance - Meet & Greet
Own your data. Be in better control of where and how it is stored, accessed and used.
First Meeting Tuesday, November 7th and continuing every FIRST TUESDAY the Month
Own your data. Be in better control of where and how it is stored, accessed and used. Digital Self Reliance is a practice of seeking and migrating to new methods and habits of storing and communicating in the digitally networked world using services that WE, data owners, can control and maintain ourselves. In addition to making choices about how we communicate online, we can also learn to educate ourselves on how and why other parties are accessing our data, and for what purposes. In our initial meeting we will have a an informal meet and greet to discuss a fuller overview on what Digital Self Reliance will cover. In addition, we hope you bring your ideas and topics to add to the discussion. Agenda for first meeting:
- Overview / Purpose - 15 min.
- Introductions - 45 min.
- Refreshments, social time - 30min. During Introductions, we’ll encourage each of you to share your experiences and/or concerns regarding data ownership and digital communications with the the group.