Jump in! Help out CT Hackerspace Clean Up Party 11/19 and Space Upgrade Weekends 12/3
CT Hackerspace Fall Clean Up and Pizza Party NOV 19 & NOV 20
CT Hackerspace Space Upgrade Party DEC 3 & DEC 4
CT Hackerspace Fall Clean Up and Pizza Party NOV 19 & NOV 20
As you may have previously read, we are continuing trying to make the best use of the community space, which means from time to time to take, a look around with a critical eye and make a fair assessment of use of space. CT Hackerspace continues the revamping of our space to do a weekend long clean up. Part of our planned course of space updating, we are using this opportunity to rid the space of final clutter and unused items to a final “holding pen” to make way for our Space Upgrade Party happening in two weeks. We recommend if you have something at the space that is not obviously owned, clearly marked or something in public areas that you are planning for use soon, please take the time to clearly mark it before this clean up weekend. CT Hackerspace Space Upgrade Party DEC 3 & DEC 4 On the heels of The Space Clean Up Weekend, we are continuing trying to make the best use of the community space, which means from time to time to take, a look around with a critical eye and make a fair assessment of use of space and make adjustments. With a recently cleaned community space, we are ready to commit to upgrades and toss uninterested items from the holding area created at clean up two weeks earlier. Member meetings have determined what we are keeping the same and what is being updated.
Major updates include:
- Creating CT Printing Section
- Organizing Flex space and table / chair storage / unmount old projectors
- Creating Sponsor Section
- Creating Visitor and Exhibit Section
- Final Organization of “dead area” adjacent to storage shelving
- Improvements to all shop areas
Still in discussion:
- Creating dust wall adjacent to storage area and Moving CNC
- Status of Laser Printer
- Amateur Radio / SDR Desk with Roof Access.
Also executing the “little things that get put off” will be encouraged. Your help is always appreciated and your ideas on how to execute the details on implementing upgrades voted in by the group.