Join us as CT Hackerspace welcomes the CT Home Shop Machinists Group Aug 14th at 2pm

Posted on by Bill

The Connecticut area Home Shop Machinist group is a local community of Hobbyist machinists and enthusiasts. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other hobbyists and learn new techniques or share your projects with others. Home shop machining is often a solitary hobby, as are most hobbies now according to “Bowling Alone”. The the Connecticut area Home Shop Machinist group (CTHSM) is an attempt to get area Home Shop Machinists’s to know one another, and thus make our hobby a little less solitary and more fun for everyone. The Connecticut HSM Group usually meets on the Sunday each month at local member’s shops. .We are honored and excited to host the CTHSM meeting at our space. Please join us for an interesting afternoon. See Gadget Builder for more information on this group.

Pictures from past CTHSM meetings:


