CT Hackerspace hosts Sparks31 return of Grid-Down/Down-Grid Communications Class 01/06/19
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by CThackerspace
Basic Grid-Down/Down-Grid Communications, Communications Monitoring, and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) Class January 6th, 2019, 0800-1800 EST at CT Hackerspace
Cost for this class is $100. Please enroll via our storefront at https://squareup.com/store/sparks31/.
Active CT Hackerspace Members - FREE
This is a one-day class that covers all the basics you need to set up your monitoring post, collect signals intelligence (SIGINT), get on the air with amateur radio and personal communications services (FRS, GMRS, MURS, CB, Part 15), and establish communications networks and interoperability with other like-minded individuals.
Topics of instruction include the following:
- Learning about Electronic Communications - A Primer
- Communications Monitoring HF-to-UHF
- Intelligence versus Information
- Intelligence Requirements
- SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
- Listening Posts and SIGINT Operations
- Communications Services
- Amateur Radio
- Part 95 & 15 (license-free or “license by rule” services)
- Communications Networks
- Interoperability - What it is, and how to make it work.
- Increasing System Performance
- Antennas
- Grid-Down versus Down-Grid Realities
- Basic Crypto Systems and When It Is Legal to Use Them
- Alternatives to Radio Communications
Sparks31’s NEW Website can be found at https://www.sparks31.com/