Back by Popular Demand! Learn to Weld Things that don't fall apart! April 19th + 22nd

Posted on by Bill


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Many DIY projects require welding. This can be a show stopper for many hobbyists. Do you dream of building a roll cage, bicycle, tools or furniture? In this two day introductory workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of welding. We will start with a bit of basic theory and safety. It can be intimidating to get started welding because of the potential dangers involved and the complexity of the equipment. Starting with torch welding has a lot of advantages, what you learn by torch welding is applicable to all other forms of welding. We will also talk about welding on a budget, and what types of welding are best for you. This two day class will cover:

  • Safety
  • Oxyfuel welding
  • Oxyfuel cutting
  • Brazing Additional classes will build upon what you have learned and will include;
  • MIG welding (GMAW)
  • TIG welding (GTAW)
  • Plasma Cutting

The introductory workshop will be required for future workshops, as the information builds upon past classes. Taught by Wade Barocsi an automotive welding and metallurgy instructor at NVCC. Dates: Thursday April 19th 6:30-8:30pm and Sunday April 22 11:00-1:30 CTH Member Cost $59 + $20 materials fee. Non-Member Cost $89 + $20 materials fee. (Cost covers both days) 15 minimum age, parent required for under 18. Adult free with paid youth admission. Limited to 6 students. Pre-registration required All proceeds will go to support CT Hackerspace. $20 Deposit Required

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