April Fools Elevator Pitch Session at Open Space Wednesday 4.1.2020, 8 PM

Posted on by CThackerspace

Elevator Pitch

… Lets hear that crazy and foolish idea!

On Wednesday, April Fools Day April 1st, CT Hackerspace will be hosting an open mic night at Open Space Wednesday for you to share your idea in an elevator pitch style.

April Fool’s Elevator Pitch at Wednesday Night Spotlight!
Let’s Hear your Foolish Invention or Business Idea!Many people use the advice of fellow makers and entrepreneurs at local makerspaces and hackerspaces to help assist on an invention, product, or business.

The group in attendance will give positive feedback and constructive criticism to help you further craft your idea, and to “practice your pitch” before you need to do it for real in front of partners or investors.

Meetup Event